The countdown to the end is here! Three more Fridays and my second round of Chemo treatments will come to an end.
For a few days my heart weighed heavy, realizing the end of treatments was near- and a new begining of what would start? When I had 5 left to go, I asked my Dr what happens after the last one? His reply, "You learn to live without seeing us each week. And you will". To be honest, that was a scary thought. I have seen him and his nurses more than I have seen coworkers and family! They are my net if I fall. I can't imagine not seeing them every week.
Then he reminded me of some of our talks about priorities in my life. Not worrying about the little stuff. (It's ALLLLLLL little stuff!!) In the end it works out, if it's not, it's not the end. All those famous sayings now come into play.
I told him, I don't have time to worry, he could do the worrying and I'd do the living. Call me when you need me! And he smiled.
I can't believe I'm so near to the end of this part of my journey. It gives me JOY that I have made it.
Before I know where I stand and if I can say I am in remission, I will have a couple of scans. The scans will confirm whether or not the cancer has stopped growing. He is also considering radiation. It was decided weeks ago that I probobly wouldn't have radiation because of the side effects. But now he is considering it. I told him forget it. I am tired and I want to rest. But in the end it will be his decision.