Thursday, August 23, 2012

How I got to this Point

Before I go forward with what I found out today on my biopsy, let me fill you in on how my journey began.

Late August 2011, I felt a bump on the top meaty part of my left breast.  It hurt and I rubbed it all the time.  It felt like a really deep bruise, so I kept my eye on it.  I figured I had bumped it during the time I was moving things around preparing for school.  At the end of the second week, it was still there, same pain and I made an appointment to check it out.

After the Dr checked and poked and moved she said not to worry.  Cancer does not move.  Breast cancer is a knot that stays put and mine could move all over with a finger.  Breast cancer also does not have pain associated with it and this did.

So, life went on. Ice on it when it was really hurting.  Live life!!

This summer  I noticed that my breast tissue started to dimple and my nipple started to shift to the side and invert.  I went to the Dr with cosmetic surgery on my mind....get the mass out and fill up the space it was taking up and things will go back in place.  Being told it was cancer was not a shock at all.  Anything that misfigures your body shouldn't be there!

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