Bless the Dr who does not wait until the end of the day to make the dreaded phone call to his patient!!
My Dr called at 9 a.m. with confirmation of what type of cancer. Officially, it is called "Invasive Lobular Carcinoma". From this point on, I will call it Willard.
Willard is a rare form of breast cancer, not usually seen in the breast. He felt comfortable saying it was not seen in the lymph nodes, which is huge, because this guy would not say much at all during the biopsy. So for him to say that, I felt comfortable he meant it! Willard has an extremely high chance of spreading to my right breast....there is no telling when, but more than likely in the next 5 years.
I have requested Willard's pictures be sent to Dr. Cheruku here in Brenham. I will meet with him after he has reviewed all my information.
For now, I learn how to enjoy life more, stress less, slow down and listen, and love even deeper. My heart is healthy.....therefore let it bust at the seams with love.
I love you all. Thank you for your friendship. Your hugs, your love.
Great news that nothing is in the lymph nodes. I hate Willard already, so get rid of him AND his possible sidekick, and replace them with Marilyn Monroe boobs! Todd will LOVE it! Love you and your spirit!
I will take this as good news and follow your lead to enjoy life. You are so loved.