1. Know your body! Be more in touch with changes. If you don't like the answers your dr gives you, pay the extra $$ and seek a second opinion. It could save your life.
2. Those annoying forms you fill out telling when you started your period, number of pregnancies, ect..... Fill it out truthfully. Then take the extra time to have your dr discuss with you the precursors that may have you fall into a category with a higher risk. I knew nothing about the precursors until AFTER my first surgery. That actually irritates me that I was that uneducated on my own body at this point in my life.
3. Chemo is kinder and gentler than it was years ago. They have all kinds of meds to help prevent all the bad side effects of the drugs. This is where communication with your dr is important. He can't fix what he doesn't know about.
4. A cancer patient should never ago through their journey alone. PERIOD. There will be rare cases when family is not nearby. Then a church family has to check in and help. Neighbors who offer should be utilized. It took me awhile to accept help. Help as simple as allowing Todd to drive me and go to appointments with me. Help as giving as co-workers bringing me meals. I took those offers as a sign of my weakness in there eyes. Not as a sign of friendship and love and compassion from them to me. Once I realized I was not weak, this was love,I stepped back and accepted their help. Accepting allowed me more time to rest. And a cancer patient needs rest.
5. I will forever be grateful and remember and will PAY IT FORWARD, the ones who send me little gifts of friendship and encouragement. Hugs, stuffed animals, notes through the campus mail, Lil Debbie notes in the mail. Pink t-shirts! Hats with hair! Candles, candy, pictures of beautiful boys, notes, worry stone,, breast cancer bookmark, pink hats, pumpkin decorated with pink wax, lotion that nourish my dry, hot skin. The list goes on and on and happens daily. These are the things I will pay forward when my friends need it!
6. Rest is good. I used to think I was weak laying done to rest. Now I understand it is a necessity to allow my body to recup.
7. Prayer. Or should it be the power of prayer! Last week I felt on top of the world. Most side effects were gone, my energy during the day was great! I don't think me resting allowed that to happen. I truly believe that the power and energy of so many people praying for me is sent into my soul and gives me new life. For that I am grateful! It allows me to give the best of myself to those I love.
8. Love. Which is better loving or being loved....in my opinion you do not have one without the other. Which comes first? Being loved or giving love? Reminds me of the chicken or the egg. Lol
I'm perfectly happy giving love first. Then feeling blessed when it comes back and touches my heart.