My chemo treatment Friday was uneventful...although I really didn't know what to expect going into it. Basically, I sit in a fairly comfortable lazy boy type chair and relax. A pillow behind my back or head and I was good to go. Several bags of drugs were pumped into me through my port on my chest. Very comfortable procedure. It will be a time of relaxation in the future. This time I bounced from tv, to magazines, to eating a salad, to playing solitaire. Never sure just what to do.
When the last drop was done, I got up, walked out and drove home. By then, the steroids were kicking in. I was washing clothes, washing dishes, folding clothes, walking the dogs. It was hard to relax. By 11:30 pm my mind and body were tired but my insides were moving forward. I laid in bed with a heating pad on my calves and feel asleep. An hour later UP AND at it again
I took the dogs out for a walk and then tried to find something to watch on tv. Nothing much was on. Sleep finally came a little after 4 am and lasted until 8 am. I felt well rested. The whole weekend my only complaint was an upset stomach. Non- stop. Soup and 7 up never helped. Another side effect started late Saturday night. The bottom of my feet felt HOT. Todd said they were this hot to the touch. I just grabbed a gel pack out of the freezer and rest my feet on it. Today my hands and feet are starting to tingle and my feet are still hot. I'm thinking I need to set outside barefoot and let the fall air cool them!
This week I go in after school Monday, Wednesday and Friday for a shot. Because the treatment I am getting is so strong, I will only have it every three weeks. If I did it weekly, the drugs alone would kill me! So between treatments it's shots.
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger! So for now I will take advantage of the rest I can get in order to get stronger!
Love to all!
Thinking and praying for you daily. So brave, so beautiful and so strong. Love you lady---Debra