Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Quiet Warriors

There are many quiet warriors that I need to acknowledge.  One at the top of the list is Collier Construction, Todd's employer.  They have allowed him to be my chaffauer, nurse, housekeeper, friend and husband.  At the end of the day, as my body wears out, he is the extra set of hands that helps lift me up.  I will forever be thankful for the Collier Family and business for being my extended family and giving me this time with Todd.

BMS is my family.  For those of you who don't know, my family is 1000 miles away in Nebraska.  I have David, Darrell, Darcee and Dean here.  My family is, mom, brother, sister-in-law.  So, BISD long long ago became my family.  My family is FULL of sisters I never had.  These sisters are my warriors that share so much with me.  Because of them, I feel I am from a big family.

One of my little sisters scared my kids at school this week.  Michelle Catron and I have convinced our students for a few years now that we are sisters.  She of course is the younger crazy sister.  I am the mean older sister.  When Michelle is in "full swing", my favorite line is that mom let her out of her locked room again without her meds.  The kids giggle and will watch her antics the rest of the year.  This week Michelle was fussing at me for carrying books.  She took off her shoe and spanked me  in front of some kids! It was priceless! Until she left.  Then, the magic of being important in a child's life took over.  One by one, those students would come up to me and make sure I was ok...and find out if that was for real or was she joking with me.  It is moments like that that inspire me to be more at school.

I hesitate to start typing everyone's name, because I will hurt feelings - yours and mine- if I miss someone....but I do want to thank Linda Kocian for my daily hugs! Every morning she comes in and checks on me and gives me a hug to start the day.  Now, it's not that others don't check on me, it's just that it has been a positive thing for Linda to do this for me. It may be one of those "everything happens for a reason" thing actually.  You see, Linda does not like change and isnt always ummm shall we say "upbeat"....LOLOLOLOL....and this year got moved into a different room.  But, having her in this room has been super for me! I would never had seen her this much if she hadn't moved.  So for me AND her, this was a good move.

One of my favorite friends calls me 'Lil Debbie!  Ann DeBolt and I connected probably 14 years ago through the different departments at BISD.  I hope she knows how much she has touched my heart with her visits lately.  ( and the chocolate and home grown flowers didn't hurt either)

A unexpected hug today realllllly made my day! Connie Merten became a warrior a while back.  Through all this journey I would get words of encouragement from her.  Today, by chance, (or was it another everything happens for a reason moment) I saw her and got a HUG in real time!

Before I post this, and settle in for the night, I have to thank my God for Trisha Buechmann.  As I've said before, her expression is the one that sticks with me day and night as I continue my journey.  Today, towards the end of school she gave me one of those hugs that you feel from the tip of your toes to the top of your head.  I am thankful for this ladies friendship.  And she is happy I have two boobs!! GOTCHA!

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