Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Plan

So where do I stand now in my treatment? I will do the next 8 weeks of treatment and then the plan is to have another bone scan. That bone scan will let the Dr know how things are going. It was just this last weekend that I finally wrapped my head around some of the thoughts that go with having cancer. I now know I will not be cured. The best that I can and do hope for is remission. You see, the cancer in my breast travelled out of it's area into the lymph nodes under my arm and got into my blood system. There it went to settle on my spine. It is not uncommon for breast cancer to matastised on the spine. I have three areas on my spine. There is also a hot spot on my hip and ribs. I have been aware of the spine cancer since the beginning of chemo. The hip and ribs were found during my last bone scan. But to be honest, I thought the chemo would kill the cancer and it would go away. So far, it hasn't killed it, but it hasn't grown either. That is huge!! One step closer to remission! There are so many meds available that I know I will be around for a long time. I do not feel that immediate need to make a bucket list....although I should get some things on that list just to have some fun!! My 1. on my bucket list will be holding a sign and posting it on facebook saying "My Dr says I'm in remission"!!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot WAIT to see you holding that sign on Facebook!!!! XOXO
