Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Every Moment of Every Day

Living with cancer and it's treatments and the tests and shots and dr appointments is easy.
You just do it.

It's the mental part of cancer that wears you out.  It can easily overtake every thought of your day.  I am always thinking about how my children are dealing with it.  How my husband can always be there for me, so when does he have his "moments".   What changes will my students see that will alert them to my health?  Will I feel strong enough to get through each week of work.  Can I keep up with house work.  When will this pain stop, when did this pain begin?  Can I keep mylife fairly normal?

If you are like most women, you put your children first, job, husband, house, etc.....etc.......etc....

And never find OR never make the time for yourself.  If you want to live with cancer long enough to OUTLIVE cancer, you have to put yourself at the top of the list.  This change in priority is my downfall.  I have been told over and over and over again that for the next year, I need to put myself first.  It seems so selfish.  A foreign concept.  After all, I never had my first pedicure until two years ago.  That was a treat that I look forward to several times a year now!

It's time for you to find your time and schedule it into your day.  This can be as simple as a few more moments in the bath...an extra few blocks when your walking, reading the book you've been wanting to but not find the time for (might I suggest 50 Shades of Grey) ... Point is, find yourself some "me time" and use it!

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