Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday morning..

Just a quick update for those wondering... Friday night the steroids kept my insides racing. I did laundry, started cleaning out my pantry, and paced a lot. Finally at 5:20 I turned off the tv and slept until 7:10. It really was long enough. My stomach churned all day Saturday. I got a wonderful nap in around 1 p.m. Until 2:30. Darcee and I drove to navasota to do a little shopping. It was a beautiful day to be outside walking. We didn't have any luck, but its always fun to shop with her. Saturday night I slept sound for five hours straight without any waking for a bathroom break or anything! So this morning I start my day feeling good! The house is quiet, my favorite time of the day. I look forward to thanksgiving this year. My children will ALL be her with me. Oh, the joy in my heart having them here together. I can hardly stand the wait! I hope as you plan your hoilday menu, you also take the time to realize how blessed you are. Not just that passing thought of life is good.... But really count your blessings and reflect on why that blessing is important. My list grows daily.

1 comment:

  1. Tackett you are so AWESOME!!YOU are such a BLESSING and inspiration!! Love ya girl!
